Avoiding Holiday Burnout – The Secrets Straight from Your Doc

Dec 3, 2020

Dr. Ashley Margeson, ND

Dr. Ashley Margeson, ND


Twas the month before Christmas and all through the East, my patients were anxious, overwhelmed and surely stressed out. But with some sage advice to start the season with care – this year you’ll stay merry and healthy, I swear!

Slow Down

You’ve got places to be, presents to buy and people to see, but don’t rush on the roads. For one, it’s against the law to text and drive, but slowing down will also ensure that you that you appreciate what they holiday season has to offer. Don’t just check things off that list willy nilly – stay present in the moment and enjoy the spirit.

Keep Your Routine

Our routines are usually the first thing that gets ditched when the Holiday season approaches. Don’t lose your exercise, bedtime and morning routines to getting something else done. Physical activity especially, even if it’s going for a walk, will reduce your cortisol levels (the hormone responsible for stress).

Snack Smartly

Holiday season isn’t just the season for candy canes and chocolate, it’s also the season for clementines and pomegranates (YUM). Snack smartly by choosing fruits and vegetables paired with a nut butter or good fat source instead of those simple sugar ladened sweets. This will help keep those energy crashes, brain fog and weight gain in check.

Unplug from the Electronics

Staying up-to-date and connected might make us feel more productive, but they usually make us less focused. Unplug after work or even when you’re home to help your brain relax and unwind, this way you’ll be able to focus on what is most important.

Don’t be a Hero

Considering that a third of all holiday decorating accidents seen in the ER involve falls, leave the stringing of lights and other up-high decorating to the experts. If you must get on a ladder, have someone spot you and make sure you don’t skip the last rung on your way down. Simple strains or painful ankle fractures are not what you want to spend your holiday nursing.

Keep this tips at the back of your mind during the holiday season so that you actually enjoy December this year by keeping the stress under control.


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