Pain Management

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Natural Pain Management in Halifax, Nova Scotia – The Science

Injection Therapies

Injection therapies can be primarily used for ligament, tendon and joint injuries. A non-surgical intervention like prolo is a revolutionary way to optimize your tendon and ligament health after an injury or as a result of injury. This involves injecting a combination of dextrose, freezing and energy precusors under ultrasound to an area of injury. The combination of these substances ensures that the area of injury repairs properly and that patients can get back to work, back to exercise or back to retirement.

For more information and to read the research papers; click here

Neural Therapies

Nerve Pain is a common cause of pain that is unrelated to a joint or muscle. Nerve pain is also a common cause of unresolved pain in many patients who visit us for pain management. When we are discussing pain with our patients, we use neuralprolo as a first line therapy. Neural Prolotherapy is an injection of 5% dextrose injected subcutaneously (just under the skin) over the area that is painful. This pain is usually a result of nerve pain due to compression or impingement. 5% dextrose binds to a pain-sensing receptor on the nerve known as the TRPV1 receprot and blocks the signal. The disruption of this signal ensures that the nerve can begin to heal.  Neural therapies can be especially beneficial when patients are experiencing tingling and burning sensations – as these are a result of nerve impingements.


Vitamin B12

If you’re experiencing fatigue, nerve pain or brain fog it might be the result of a Vitamin B12 deficiency. This deficiency is very common in people who eat a primarily carbohydrate, vegetarian or vegan diet, as the most absorable form of B12 comes from red meat. If your medical professional is giving you a B12 shot you should be receiving it in the form of “methylcobalamin” (the most absorbable form) to ensure effective absorption into your sisten. Our medical team uses values based off multiple populations, but it’s safe to say that if your B12 is anywhere under 500, you’re deficient. Be sure to chat with your medical professional about how Vitmain B12 can support mental and neurological health, detox pathways, as well as treat fatigue and improve quality of sleep.


Vitamin D

Throughout the winter months, most people have low levels of Vitamin D due to a decrease in exposure to the sun. This deficiency can be a contributing factor to Seasonal Affective Disorder and can lead to weaker bones (like in osteoporosis). You can request a Vitamin D injection, which easily absorbs into your body.



One of the most common nutrient deficiencies, especially in highly stressed individuals and in the elderly. Used to treat migraines, muscle cramping and improve overall wellbeing.

Book your VO2 Test Now

Book your appointment for your own VO2 test here


Most extended insurance plans cover Naturopathic Medical Services.

We are happy to direct bill for select plans at our Halifax office. Please call the clinic at 902.820.3443 to inquire if your plan is able to be direct billled. 

Cornerstone Naturopathic Team

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