Colouring books made to appeal to an adult market are a trending item as of late. High quality archival paper with intricate, professionally illustrated designs have taken these books to the next level, and what was once a rarely-communicated hobby is now a topic of conversation.As with many hobbies, the act of engaging in an activity that truly stimulates you, and is cause for positive sentiment, can be a major factor in reducing stress too! Whether your pastime of choice involves rigorous physical activity or the opportunity to relax your muscles and your mind, the right motions can be a real game-changer.

Few experts are surprised that colouring books in particular have such a profound effect on stress and mental health. In many ways, colouring is similar to meditation by providing the opportunity to centre on a primary focus, and switch off all secondary thoughts or distractions. An added bonus to creating clarity on things happening in one’s life, this state of mind typically lends itself to proactively addressing or avoiding sources of stress in the future, by clearly and calmly identifying them in the process.

Another excellent source of nourishment for one’s mental health is having an effective creative outlet on hand. Often the more complex sentiments that play a role in our stress (or wellbeing) can elude us when we attempt to communicate them verbally. Because colouring books have a relatively low barrier to entry, they make an excellent gateway to creative reflection.

When employed as an ‘art therapy’, colouring captures the process of exploring one’s feelings to manage behavior, lower anxiety, and enhance mental health on the whole. As a species that tends to predominantly rely on one half of our brain, colouring challenges us to explore the other, and is seen as a proactively worthwhile enrichment activity as often as it is a treatment.

At the end of the day, almost everyone has their own tried and true methods when it comes to quieting the mind. What we strive to do at Cornerstone is recommend new complimentary outlets and the opportunities therein, or a first-time opportunity for those without. The image attached to this article is housed at our clinic – a collective effort by the Cornerstone team.

If colouring doesn’t quite resonate with you, don’t hesitate to visit our clinic for a stress managment infusion. You can contact us here for more information.

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